De novo genome assembler of 10X Genomics linked-reads
The module parses the reports from an assembly run. As a bare minimum it requires the file report.txt
found in the folder sampleID/outs/
, to function. Note! If you are anything like the author (@remiolsen),
you might only have files (often renamed to, e.g. sampleID-report.txt
) lying around due to disk space limitations
and for ease of sharing with your colleagues. This module will search for *report*.txt
. If available the stats
in the report file will be superseded by the higher precision numbers found in the file
. In the same folder, this module will search for the following plots
and render them:
-- Inferred molecule lengthshistogram_kmer_count.json
-- Kmer multiplicity
This module has been tested using Supernova versions 1.1.4
and 1.2.0
Important note
Due to the size of the histogram_kmer_count.json
files, MultiQC is likely to skip these files. To be able to
display these you will need to change the MultiQC configuration to allow for larger logfiles, see the MultiQC
documentation. For instance, if you run MultiQC as part of an
analysis pipeline, you can create a multiqc_config.yaml
file in the working directory, containing the
following line:
log_filesize_limit: 100000000
File search patterns
contents: '"description": "kmer_count",'
fn: histogram_kmer_count.json
num_lines: 10
contents: '"description": "molecules",'
fn: histogram_molecules.json
num_lines: 10
contents: "- assembly checksum ="
fn: "*report*.txt"
num_lines: 100
contents: '"lw_mean_mol_len":'
fn: summary.json
num_lines: 120